Thursday 14 March 2013

Holy Land??

Holy Land??

March 2013 finds me in Jerusalem.

It all started about 1985. Paul was the leader of New Life Church in Scunthorpe, and he wanted to go to Israel to experience the land of the Bible. I didn't want to go as I thought commercialisation would have spoilt it, so I told him to go. Quite a lot of people from the church wanted to go as well so plans were made. One Sunday morning, the church treasurer announced that the church were going to bless someone that morning. That someone turned out to be me! They were paying for me to go to Israel with Paul. Not only paying for me, they had also contacted my work to make sure I could have the holiday time, and my mother had been asked to come and look after our children. So I found myself having to say 'thank you' for something I didn't really want!

When we arrived in Israel, I was totally blown away. I never anticipated the experience having such a profound effect on me. It was simple things at first like seeing a blue motorway signpost to Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Then sitting in a boat in the middle of Galilee one morning and sharing communion, was an experinence I wanted the whole church to share. There was little that could have changed there from the time of Christ.

Many years and many trips to Israel later, I find myself working in the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. I feel very blessed to have such a privildge.
All those years ago I left my children with my mother. Now, my children have children themselves and I have left children and grandchildren.

The other day, we were walking through the souks in the old city of Jerusalem; one of the stall holders had a sign beside the coffee he was selling 'Coffee better than Starbucks'.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds great keep in touch
